
Fairend Safaris


Primates in Uganda are about 20 species both nocturnal and diurnal making the country a great destination for primate lovers. Travelers get to explore the diverse primates in their natural habitat as they flourish in the deep tropical rain forests. It is a great adventure to go out in the untamed jungles to track these great creatures.

 Trekkers are usually escorted by trained rangers, trackers, guides, and sometimes porters to see these wild species. Gorilla  and  Chimpanzee trekking are the top activities that attract tourists to Uganda.  However, there are other activities such as wild game viewing, cultural encounters, white water rafting, mountain climbing, and many more.

The Primates found in Uganda

Mountain Gorillas

Mountain gorillas live in the mountains of Bwindi and Virunga ranges, they can be found in two national parks in Uganda. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park which has about 21 habituated families and Mgahinga National Park has one habituated gorilla family. These gorilla families are available for trekking after purchasing a permit.

Gorillas can also be trekked in Rwanda and Congo, these are the only three countries in the world where you get to experience these great apes. A permit is issued by Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) and costs $ 700 per person for foreign nonresidents and $600 for foreign residents. East Africa Citizens purchase a permit at Ugx.250,000 per person and 8 permits are available each day to track each group.


Chimpanzees are the second most sought primates in Uganda as they are human’s closest cousins because we share 98% DNA. There are about 5,000 Chimpanzees in Uganda and be found in Kibale National Park, Budongo Forest, Kalinzu Forest, and Kyambura Gorge. Travelers can get to engage in chimpanzee trekking in any of these places. To trek chimpanzees you need a permit however prices differ according to the area where you trek.

Golden Monkeys

These exceptional primate species are small monkeys with bright, vibrant, golden orange coats and cute little faces. They live in bamboo forests and are only found in Mgahinga National Park in the whole of Uganda and Virunga slopes. These are the only places in the world where you can see these great primates. Golden Monkey tracking permits in Uganda cost $50 for foreign nonresidents and foreign residents, and Shs20, 000 for East African Community residents.

Red-tailed Monkeys

The Red-tailed monkeys are one of the common primate species within Uganda. They look remarkable with white cheeks, whiskers, and a distinctive white heart-shaped patch on their nose.  These monkeys can be found in almost all the National Parks in the country. Travelers may visit Kibale Forest National Park, Lake Mburo National Park, Queen Elizabeth National Park, and Semliki Forest National Park among others to see these beautiful species.

Olive Baboons

Uganda is home to only the olive baboons which are sheltered within most protected areas of Uganda. Places such as Mgahinga National Park, Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, the Rwenzori Mountains, Budongo Forest Reserve in Murchison Falls National Park, and Mount Elgon National Park is where they can be seen. These primates are very sociable, versatile, and brilliant unfortunately, they are very notable and destructive.  Baboons are mostly poisoned by humans because they are treated as pests.

Blue Monkeys

The Blue monkeys are characterized by their dark blue-grayish color with white throats and white patches on their chest. They are closely related to golden monkeys but they are more widely spread than golden monkeys.
They can be found in most of Uganda’s national parks and are common within Kibale Forest National Park. Other places to find them include Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, and Mgahinga National Park.

L’Hoest’s monkey

Philip Lutley Sclater should have named this primate Reverant’s Monkey in honor of Uganda’s colonial clergy. Its prominent white bib beautifully contrasts with the dark brown and chestnut-colored coat. It is less well-known and more difficult to see than most of the monkeys. These monkeys can be seen in Kibale Forest, Bwindi Impenetrable, or Maramagambo Forest.

Red Colobus Monkeys

The red colobus monkeys are closely related to the black-and-white colobus monkeys, they have a tufted crown together with a brick-red, grey, and white-colored coat. They are very common in Kibale National Park, and a few in Semuliki National Park as well.

Black-and-white Colobus Monkeys

The Black-and-white colobus monkey has a black coat that seamlessly contrasts with the long white mantle of its back, whiskers, and bushy tail and beard around the face.  It does not have thumbs. They are easily found in most forest and woodland areas of Uganda.

Grey-cheeked mangabey

The Grey-cheeked Mangabey is one of the most exceptional primate species worth seeing, it is a small, hairy baboon-like primate with a slightly golden mane around the neck and a shaggy appearance. It can be found within the Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary, Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Mabira Forest Reserve, and Kibale Forest National Park among others. The most interesting thing about the Grey-cheeked mangabey is that they communicate by slapping each other’s lips together and shaking their heads. They can be differentiated by their Grayish and black color.

DeBrazza’s monkey

De Brazza’s monkeys have unique appearances of a white mustache, reddish-brown patch around their eyes, short tails, and distinct blue scrotum. They are mainly found within Mount Elgon National Park and Semliki Forest National Park.

Vervet monkey

The vervet monkey is one of the busiest creatures on the savanna, always doing something. The vervet monkey mothers recognize their child simply by its scream. I think you would appreciate watching them in forests outside national parks, they can be seen in botanical gardens in Entebbe.

Patas monkey

Patas monkeys are the fastest primates in the entire world. They run on their fingertips only and never actually use their entire foot to run. This reddish, rust-colored sprinter lives mainly on the ground, unlike other primate species, it can be found in Kidepo and Murchison Falls National Park.

Bush Baby

The Bushbaby has a call that sounds like a human, thus its name. It has big saucer eyes and collapsible ears. It is also called a Galago. Bush babies can also be found in Kibale National Park.


Pottos are also called bush bears, tree bears, or softly-softly and are maybe the closest bears that Uganda would ever have.  They are nocturnal tree-dwellers found in Kibale Forest in Kibale National Park.